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Rose and Erwin Wolfson Center for National Affairs event recordings

Identifier: NS-07-02-18

Descriptive Status

No publicly accessible container list or inventory is available at this time. Please contact The New School Archives if you are interested in consulting this collection.


The collection consists of audio and video recordings of events sponsored by the Rose and Erwin Wolfson Center for National Affairs at The New School. With the exception of the Center's inaugural semester in Fall 1986, the recordings document the entirety of its existence.


  • 1987-2008



269 Analog Recordings

249 1/4 inch Audio Cassette

15 VHS Cassettes

3 u-matic

59 digital_recordings

32 minidv

25 DVDs (23 CDs; 2 DVDs)


2 hi8

Language of Materials


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research use, but no access copies of these recordings are currently available. Researchers desiring access and willing to pay a digitization fee may do so upon consultation with The New School Archives. Please contact for further information.

Separated Materials

New School Archives staff removed four VHS tapes formerly inventoried in this collection. The tapes documenting the course, Changing History: Women's Health, will be found in the Conversations about Women event recordings collection (NS.07.02.35) along with audio recordings from that same course.

Guide to the Rose and Erwin Wolfson Center for National Affairs event recordings
In Process
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description